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I think it means when the Trumpet blows it's horn.

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4y ago

Maybe when a important member of the army dies or it is morning they play the bugle horn and it vibrates when in operation

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What does bugle mean?

A bugle is a small trumpet-like brass instrument.

What does he hit you in the bugle mean in the movie El Dorado?

It's not an idiom - the character was holding a bugle (a musical instrument similar to a trumpet) and a bullet hit it.

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Reveille was played on the bugle in war times to wake the soldiers

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The bugle played Taps.

Use bugle in a sentence?

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When was The Bugle created?

The Bugle was created in 2007.

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the daily bugle

How do you use the word Bugle in a sentence?

When the bugle sounded, the cadets had to wake up. A bugle is a musical instrument.

What does it mean when a cat trills?

When a cat trills, it is a vocalization that usually signifies excitement, affection, or greeting. Cats may trill when they are happy to see their owners, when they are playing, or when they are interacting with other cats. It's a friendly and endearing sound that cats use to communicate positively.

What are the common names of bugle weed?

Water bugle, sweet bugle, Virginian water horehound, and gypsy weed.

What instrument is brass and resembles a bugle?

First off, the members of the bugle family are the trumpet, the marching euphonium, the mellophone, and the contrabass bugle, as seen in drum and bugle corps.A bugle, in the military, is a brass instrument with no valves used to project musical commands called "bugle calls." If this is the type of bugle you're talking about, its closest relative would be the trumpet.Hope this helped! :)