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it is the first valve

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Q: What fingering is high b flat on trumpet?
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What is the fingering for high E flat on the trumpet?

On a standard Bb trumpet, the fingering for a bottom-line Eb is 12 and the fingering for all higher Ebs is 2.

What valves do you press for high f on the trumpet?

The usual fingering for an "F" on the trumpet is first valve. The first valve is used to perform any notes from the B-flat harmonic series: all B-flats, all F's, and any D's from the fourth line on up.

What is the proper fingering for playingTaps in the key of G on a trumpet?

If using a B-flat trumpet, to play Taps in G, hold down the 1st and 2nd valves the whole time.

Is the B Flat Nickel Trumpet a good trumpet?

The best trumpet is a Bach, i recommend a B flat trumpet made by Yamaha if your not a professional. always go with a B flat trumpet though.

What are the notes to America the beautiful on the trumpet?

it goes: G,A,B(flat),(high)C,(High)D,(high)D,(high)C,B(flat),is some of it

How do you play trumpet in flat and sharp notes?

playing flat and sharp notes is easy . it is not different than playng any other notes, you just have to learn the fingering. for instance B is played pressing the middle valve. for B Flat press 1st valve. open any trumpet book - its there. you may also find it with other trumpet techniques. Danny Carney -

How do you sound like a bugle on a trumpet?

Pick one fingering and only play those notes. Traditionally, bugles are tuned in G, so the equivalent would be 1st and 2nd valve on a B-flat trumpet.

What is the fingering for g sharp on a trumpet?

A double-sharped note is just raised two half-steps from the original note. So if you have A##, the first sharp would go to A#, which is the same as B-flat, and the second sharp would be the A##, which is the same as B-natural.

How do you finger b flat in trumpet?

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What pitched is the trumpet?

The most common trumpets are in B flat, if they aren't B flat it will say at the begging of the name for example the"E flat trumpet"

What is the fingering for a sharp on the baritone?

Same as B-flat.

What is the tuning key for trumpet?

a B flat trumpet will tune to an A by playing a B. A C trumpet will tune to an A by playing an A.