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The characteristics that determine the frequency with which a tuning fork will vibrate are the length and mass of the tines.

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Q: What fundamental characteristics of the sound produced by a tuning fork depends on its frequency?
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How does the length of a pipe affect pitch?

The sound produced by a pipe is due to standing waves that are formed in the body of the pipe. The fundamental frequency,f1, produced, is given by the formula : f1=v/2L , where v is the velocity of the wave and depends only on the physical characteristics of the mean (e.g. air density), and L is the length of the pipe. So if the length increases the frequency decreases.

Is a string vibrating at the fundamental frequency the length of half the wavelength?

This question can't be answered as asked. A string vibrating at its fundamental frequency has nothing to do with the speed of the produced sound through air, or any other medium. Different mediums transmit sound at different speeds. The formula for wavelength is L = S/F, were L is the wavelength, S is the speed through the medium and F is the frequency. Therefore, the wavelength depends on the speed of sound through the medium and directly proportional to the speed and inversely proportional to the frequency.

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Does a High pitched sound has a high number of partial tones?

Not neccessarily, pitch depends on the fundamental frequency. The number of partial tones is independent from fundamental frequency, and, roughly speaking, determines the timbre of the sound (through variables like spectral balance, for example).

What does the pitch of a sound wave depend on?

Timbre of the sound. It is related to the frequency of the fundamental frequency and a combination of overtones.

What is the frequency of mechanical and electromagnetic waves dependent upon?

The frequency of any wave is completely determined at its source, and doesn'tchange once the wave leaves the source.The speed of the wave depends on the characteristics of the medium throughwhich it's traveling ... of mechanical waves by the physical characteristics of themedium, and of electromagnetic waves by its electrical characteristics.

Does the frequency or wavelength of the wave affect its speed?

The speed of a wave depends only on the mechanical or electrical characteristics of the medium or environment through which the wave propagates. It doesn't depend on the wave's frequency or wavelength.

What is the relationship between frequency and the size of a transformer?

Basically the characteristics of a transformer depends on the impedance(resistance) and on the coupling of its primary and secondary coils. The impedance of a coil depends on the frequency, as the frequency increases you need less volume of iron core and less number of turns in the coil for a given impedance, then reducing the size of the transformer.

Does modulation schemes depends on frequency?

Modulation schemes depends on frequency.

What is a fundamental mode of vibration?

The fundamental frequency is the lowest mode of vibration of a system. If you think of a taut string, the lowest mode with which it can vibrate is the one where the centre of the string travels the maximum distance up and down so the string forms a single arc. It is also possible for it to vibrate so that two arcs (one up and one down) fit into the string, and there are many more possibilities with higher frequencies. On a stringed instrument you can hear the fundamental frequency as the normal note which the string plays, and the others as overtones. Other systems exhibit the same phenomenon.

What is the probability of the spinner landing on Phil?

The answer depends on the characteristics of the spinner.The answer depends on the characteristics of the spinner.The answer depends on the characteristics of the spinner.The answer depends on the characteristics of the spinner.