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It is known as an Octave (a musical scale of eight notes).

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Q: What is a eight tone in a musical scale called?
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How many steps are in a major scale?

There are eight notes (steps) in a major musical scale. If whole steps are tones and half steps are semitones, then the order is tone, tone, semitone, tone, tone, tone, semitone.

What is the fourth tone on the musical scale?

fa also kmown as f

What musical technique uses all of the notes on the chromatic scale?

12 tone equal temperament

What are the name of the notes on the musical scale?

They're called the degrees of the scale, and they are as follows: 1st - Tonic 2nd - Supertonic 3rd - Mediant 4th - Subdominant 5th - Dominant 6th - Submediant 7th - Leading tone

In music there is the whole tone musical scale the sixth note is?

What ever note that is a major second interval below the starting note of the scale.

What is a oc tcave?

If you mean "octave", it is a group of eight things. Most commonly it is used to describe the relationship between a musical tone and another which has half or double its frequency. The tone with half the frequency is an octave below and the one with double the frequency is an octave above. It's called an octave because it's the eighth note in a diatonic (major or minor) scale.

Which tone row can appear in the twelve-tone composition?

The tone row is a predetermined sequence of all twelve notes of the chromatic scale.

What is a semi-tone and tone?

my best friend is Hannah sorry. I thought I was answering a musical question. A tone is a whole step, as in from C to D on the C Major scale, while a Semi-Tone is a half step, as in C to C# on the C Major Scale. The Major scale also contains half steps or semi-tones, in C major the are from E to F and from B to C

What is the third note in musical scale?

I think you mean E if you are talking about a whole tone scale. There are many musical scales!

What are tones of the scale separated by?

The tones within a scale are divided by either tones or semitones. In a major scale, the order always goes: tone, tone, semitone, tone, tone, tone, semitone. For a minor scale, in natural form, the order always goes: tone, semitone, tone, tone, semitone, tone, tone.

What do you call a sign raising or lowering a musical tone?

That's called an accidental sign.

What is the 7th tone of the musical tone?

dominant 7th