Amateur radio or ham radio as it is also known is two-way radio transmissions which are sent by voice, Morse Code, or even by computers. You need a license to transmit on the amateur bands (radio frequencies) which are controlled by government departments and various radio organizations throughout the world. There are hundreds of web sites with additional information and how to obtaining a license in most countries. like you can say in USA the Stryker radios are top in the market of amateur radios.
Korean Amateur Radio League was created in 1955.
International Amateur Radio Union was created in 1925.
Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service was created in 1952.
There are no amateur radio shops in St Helens, OR. Closest would be Ham Radio Outlet just south of Portland.
In amateur radio, when someone asks what your QTH is, they are asking for your position, usually in latitude and longitude.
Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club's motto is 'Federal Association for Amateur Radio in Germany'.
International Amateur Radio Union's motto is 'Representing the Interests of Two-Way Amateur Radio Communication'.
Radio Amateur Association of Greece was created in 1958.
Bangladesh Amateur Radio League was created in 1979.
Japan Amateur Radio League was created in 1926.
International Amateur Radio Club was created in 1961.
Northwest Amateur Radio Society was created in 1985.
Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club was created in 1950.
Amateur Radio Society of India was created in 1954.
Radio Amateur Society of Thailand was created in 1963.
Korean Amateur Radio League was created in 1955.
International Amateur Radio Union was created in 1925.