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The origin is German. It is supposed to be like hamperbecause of their food pouches in their cheeks.

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Q: What is origin of word hamster?
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How Do you say hamster in hawaiian?

Probably Hamster, unless the Hawaiians have given them a Hawaiian name after the fact. Hamsters are European in origin so the European word is how they were introduced into the pet trade everywhere.

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There is much history surrounding the popular 'Hamster Dance.' The most likely origin is that of an old Disney classic film, which the song was written for.

How many syllables in the word hamster?

Hamster has two syllables in it.

Where did the name hamster orginaly come from?

The word hamster comes from the German word, hamstern, which means to hoard.

What is the French word for hamster?

A hamster is called "un hamster" (masc.) in French. Its prounounced like amstere rather than hamster.

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My hamster's favorite color is orange

How do you spell hamsters in french?

the French word for hamster is 'hamster' (masc.)

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the origin is where the word came from but the specific origin of the word ballot is latin root word.

What is hamster in Latin?

The word for hamster in Latin is Cricetus. Your welcome. You spell lovely.

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The word "origin" is derived from the French word "origin" and the Latin word "originem," both of which mean, beginning, descent, birth, and rise.

What type of noun is hamster?

The noun 'hamster' is a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for a type of mammal; a word for a thing.

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