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Well, the Trumpet has no definite shape but its mainly oval shaped and the bell is more of a triangle. However the case is rectangle. Hope this helps?

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Q: What is shape of trumpet?
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What instrument has a similar shape of a trumpet?

The cornet and the flugelhorn both have very similar shapes to the trumpet. A bugle also has a similar shape but without any valves, and much less tubing - only the outside outline and size are similar.

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How much is a Besson 2-20 trumpet worth in rough shape?

That trumpet is worth whatever anyone will pay for it. A good, used 2-20 might go for around $100, but one in rough shape might go for $25 or $30.

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Dizzy Gillespie played a bent trumpet, the bell stuck up at a 45 degree angle. He once had his trumpet bent by accident, the tone of the instrument changed with the new shape, he liked the new sound and subsequently had a mis-shappen trumpet specially made to duplicate the sound of the broken instrument.

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What is the difference between piccollo trumpet and regular trumpet?

a pocket trumpet just has feet if tubing hence it is smaller, however it is not the same as a piccolo trumpet. A pocket trumpet also doesn't have a full of a sound. A pocket trumpet is just a trumpet which has its tubing wound tighter to make it a more compact instrument.

What different styles of trumpet are there?

their is a G trumpet. F trumpet B flat trumpet and a Piccolo trumpet being the smallest trumpet and an octive higher than a regular trumpet.

Plant that only blooms at night it has a white flower the shape of a trumpet would like to know it's name?

It could be a datura.