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Q: What is the current US BOP deficit?
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Why balance of payment is always balanced?

balance of payments consists two accounts namely current account and capital account. The current account deals with import of visible and invisible items and unilateral transfers. a surplus in this accounts makes a country's BOP a surplus and a deficit in this accounts indicates that the country's BOP is deficit. The capital account indicates the capital movements of that country with other countries. it also shows the countries gold and other reserves. a surplus and a deficit in the current accounts increases and decreases the reserve and so the balance of payments is equalised always. so when we say that BOP is deficit we mean only the current account in the BOP. because BOP will always be equalised.

What is the deficit of the US?

The current US Deficit is $11,042,553,971,450.47 (11 Trillion)

Why current account deficit is good for US?

The current account deficit is good for the United States because it helps them regulate their expenditure.

What is a current account deficit?

current account deficit

What is current account deficite?

current account deficit

Define current account deficit?

A current account deficit refers to a situation whereby a country imports more than they export.

Who won kidz bop US 2011?

Kiana Brown won the Kidz Bop US 2011. Hope this helped

What is the relationship between the balance of payments BOP and interest rates?

If the interest rate is lower and balance of payment is large then the currant account will be deficit

Does US have a deficit or trade surplus?

Trade deficit

Did the US have a trade surplus or deficit?

The USA has a trade deficit.

Is it good for the US to have a deficit and why?

NO! a deficit means that the US's expenditures exceed their revenues (money earned from taxes). If the deficit cant be closed at the end of the fiscal year the deficit becomes a Debt.

What is India's current deficit rete?

India's fiscal deficit amounts to 4.5% or 1,39231 crore ($32b).