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G two octaves below middle C

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Q: What is the first line on a bass clef?
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What are the staff which F is the fourth line?

bass clefBass clef

What can the treble clef and base clef be joined by?

A low C on the treble clef (on the first leger line below the staff) joins with a high C on the Bass clef (the first leger line above the staff)

What line does the musical note e sit on?

In treble clef it sits on the 1st line. In bass clef it sits on the first ledger line below the staff

What is the bass clef called?

The other designation for the bass clef is the 'F' clef.

What clef names the line F when placed on the staff?

Bass clef

Where does middle C go on a vocal tenor clef?

On the treble clef and bass clef the notes are on lines and spaces. Here is a way to remember them.4 lines and 5 spacesTreble clefLines Every GoodBoyDeservesFoodSpacesFACEBass clefLines Green BusesDriveFastAlwaysSpacesAllCowsEatGrass

What is the name of the bottom line?

The Bass Clef

What is the bass clef letter name?

You start with middle C, then you go to B, and then A is the first line. G is next, then F, E, D, C, B, and A. It's just saying your alphabet backward starting with C, until you get to A, and then you start with G from then on.

What clef do bass players use?

Bass Clef. This is to make it easier to read as if it was in treble clef there would be loads of sub-line below the stave.

What does the bass clef A flat key look like?

B flat on the second line on the bass clef, E flat on the third space from the bottom, A flat on the first space from the bottom and the D flat on the middle line.

The bass clef is also known as?

The bass clef is also known as the 'f' clef (because the line in-between the two dots is the note f). The treble clef is also known as the 'g' clef (because the line that the circle in the middle is on is the note g).

What clef does the double bass use?

Bass and also tenor clef.