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Q: What is the group of notes that gamelan music uses called?
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How did people in Java learn how to play gamelan music?

The people of Java learn gamelan music as an oral tradition. The first gamelan was played as a way to send messages to the gods. After the introduction of Catholisism to Java, Gamelan music was used in services to some extent.

What musicans read to play music?

They read notes

What are the letters in music called?

The letters in music are called the musical alphabet. The letters represent notes, and there are 12 of them. Natural notes are given the letters A through G. The other notes are in between natural notes and they are called sharps and flats.

What do you call a group of ten notes in music?

Decuplet or decimole

What is a group of notes mean?

A group of notes is known as a sentence in music. It may represent a melody if written horizontally. If they are vertical, they may represent harmony.

What musician read to play music?

Musicians read what is called sheet music in order to play music. which is notes you play on the instuments

What is several notes of music played together called?

Its called a Chord

What is a group of 8 notes called?

This group is known as octaves.

What is a measure in music terms?

A particular metric unit to group a note or notes in music together.

Why are musical notes called high and low?

High music, low music, its becuz some notes are high, some sound low.

What is a group of three or more notes called?


What is the difference between audio and music?

Audio is an electrical or other interpretation of sound. Music is tones called notes, and musicians use time and these notes to make rhythms, and music.