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Q: What is the meaning of the Spanish song 'Che Che Cole'?
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"Che" has no meaning in Hebrew, but in Spanish it means something like "dude" or "guy". This is where the name "Che Guevara" comes from.

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Toi qui... is a French equivalent of the incomplete Spanish phrase Tu che... . The phrase translates as "You who..." in English. The respective pronunciations will be "twa kee" in French and "too key" in Spanish.

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"Hey you!" and "You who... !" are the respective English equivalents of the Spanish and Italian phrase Tu che... ! Context makes clear which option suits. The respective pronunciations will be "too key" in Italian and "too tchey" in Spanish.

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¿Qué? Pero... is a Spanish equivalent of the Italian phrase Che? Ma... . The two phrases translate literally as "What? But... ." in English. The respective pronunciations will be "key PEY-ro" in Uruguayan Spanish and "key ma" in Italian.

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In 1994, the Spanish alphabet removed the letters "ch" and "ll." They were treated as separate letters before that time but are now considered digraphs.

Why Ernesto Gvvero called as Che?

Because, He used to punctuate his speeches whe CHE. Its an Argentine word meaning Hey or Hey friend.