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Extra-low frequency radio waves can have wavelengths as long as 3.5 miles or more. The shortest wavelength is around 1 mm.

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Which has a longer wavelength radio or infrared?

Radio wave.

What is the velocity of a radio wavelength of 3m?

If u meant radio wave, then velocity of all electromagnetic wave is 3*108 m/s. Hence velocity of radio wave will be the same ,as it as an em wave, irrespective of its wavelength.

What type of wave has longest wavelength?

In the electromagnetic spectrum, it is the radio wave that has the longest wavelength. Some radio waves are over 100 yards long.

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What are the components of a radio wave?

Speed, wavelength and frequency.

Is a microwave?

A short-wavelength radio wave. An electromagnetic wave that is somewhere in between regular radio waves and infrared radiation.

What is a wave with the longest wavelength and lowest frequency?

Radio waves

How long is a radio wave's wavelength?

Anything in the range of something like 1 millimeter to 5,000 kilometers is called a radio wave.

What is the frequency of a radio wave with a wavelength of 3?

Frequency = speed/wavelength = 300,000,000/3 = 100 MHz.

An electro magnetic wave known to possess the longest wavelength?

The electromagnetic waves with the longest wavelengths are called radio waves. There is no upper limit as to how large the wavelength can get; for example, you might imagine an electromagnetic wave with a wavelength as large as the diameter of our galaxy. That would still be called a radio wave.

What are the radio waves?

radio wave is form of electromagnetic energy which has the longest wavelength in electromagnetic spectrum

The wavelength of a radio wave received at 100 megahertz is?

Wavelength = speed/frequency = 300,000,000/100,000,000 = 3 meters