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From the Germanic word Vogel.

English is essentially a Germanic language which has evolved over time into the distortion it is today.

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Q: What is the origin of the word fowl?
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The Old English word was 'cycen' meaning a young fowl, which became young chicken, which then became any chicken.

What is the Hebrew word for fowl?

fowl = ohf (עוף)

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*"ETYMOLOGY: After Bantam, former town in Indonesia from which such fowl were thought to have originated ."*Excerpted from Yahoo Education ; see related link .

What is the meaning of the word fowl in Malayalam?

Fowl or water fowl specifically are a family of duck species. In Malaysian language water fowl are "itik." If the context of fowl refers to poultry the translation would be "ayam."

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If you are asking about a four legged fowl, there is no such thing, as far as I know. The Hebrew word for fowl is ohf (עוף)

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No. The word "fowl" refers to certain types of bird. Butterflies are insects.

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What is the origin of the word ballot?

the origin is where the word came from but the specific origin of the word ballot is latin root word.