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Q: What is the value of Luther vandross signature on an autograph?
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What is the value of a 007s autograph?

The value of a James Bond actors autograph varies depending on the actor, the signature, the picture and the condition of the autograph.

What is the value of an autograph vinyl album that contains the signature of Hank Williams?

10 cents. If you're lucky.

How much is a one dollar bill signed by Stan Musial worth?

The value has little to do with the dollar but with the going rate of a Musial autograph. The quality and legibility of the signature will affect the value as will the condition of the dollar. Most autograph collectors would prefer his signature to be on a baseball or on baseball memorabilia.

What is difference between autograph and sign?

Signature = Name that is signed to acknowledge a purpose. Autograph = Name that is signed for no purpose but may have material or sentimental value.

What is the value for Arnold palmer autograph?

priceless.....why would you want to get rid of an Arnold Palmer autograph anyways

How much is paul c studee's signature worth?

The value of Paul C. Studee's signature would depend on factors such as his level of fame, demand for his autograph, and the condition of the item signed. Without specific information, it is difficult to determine an exact value. It is recommended to consult with a professional autograph appraiser for a more accurate assessment.

Who's signature on the Declaration Of Independence is worth more money?

Thomas Lynch's signature is rarest which would make it the most valuable. John Hancock would be another very valuable autograph, Because he was the first to sign. But an autograph's value is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.

What is the value of an Adam Jones autograph?

An Adam Jones single signed baseball is worth approximately $70 if it is on a Rawlings Official Major League baseball and is signed on the "sweet spot". This value assumes that it is authenticated by a reputable company. An autograph that isn't properly authenticated can be worth as little as half of the value of an authenticated signature. For more autograph values, see related links.

Why the difference is price for signed vs autographed sports memorabilia?

Signed autographThere is no difference between signed memorabilia and autographed memorabilia. It is just deference in terminology. A signed baseball is the same as an autographed baseball and the same value. An autograph is signed. You could sign a check or a document but the signature would not be considered an autograph. You sign a baseball or a photo and the signature is an autograph.

What is the value of a Naveen Andrews autograph?

Not much. He's fairly accessible. His autograph would be worth more as part of a 'cast signed' item as there's really not a lot of demand for his signature. Individually sold, you might get $10 -

Does value of a connie mack autograph change if personalized?

Personalized AutographsYes. Any autograph that is personalizes will lower the value. For example an autograph inscribed "Best Wishes to Paul" will limit the number of collectors interested, to people named Paul. Less demand equals less value. The value will drop lower with newer, and more common signatures that can be easily purchased without the personalization. Why spend money on a signature made out to "Paul" when your name is John, and there are many other opportunities to acquire a signature without the personalized inscription.With older, more rare and expensive signatures (like Connie Mack) the value will still drop but not as much. This would be a great opportunity for a collector on budget to get the signature at a great price. There would be slightly more collectors, other than Paul, interested in the signature. More demand, higher value.

What is the value of a Babe Ruth card with a fake atograph?

The value depends on which card it is, and what you mean by fake autograph. If you mean a facsimile autograph, a copy of Babe Ruth's signature that is part of the printing of the card, then the value of the card will rely on the year, and the set the card is from. If you mean someone wrote on the card "Babe Ruth" then the value of the card will be drastically lowered in value, if any value at all.