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Q: What key is D7 G E and A in?
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If it has the chords G, C, and D7... then it is almost always in the key of G. That is the key he uses

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recipe: e g e g a g e g e key: e=empty g=gold ingots a=apple

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The notes in the key of G major are: G, A, B, C, D, E and F#.

What is the e chord on the piano?

E major chord is: E, G#, B ; E minor chord is E, G, B. E is the white key just above (to the right of) the group of 2 black keys. G# is the middle black key in the group of 3 black keys (G is the white key just below that - to the left of that key) B is the white key just above the group of 3 black keys.

What is a chord of three notes?

G, d ,d7,c a triad

Are there 3 chords in the basic blues chord progression?

Yes.. The (I)=1 Chord. The (IV)=4 Chord. & The (V)=5 Chord.ex. In The Key Of G.{ G Chord, C7 Or (C9) Chord, D7 (D9) Chord.

What is the minor key of G?

e minor

What notes are in the key of g?

G a b c d e f# g

Which are the Musical notes of song siniy platochek?

The song in D minor starts on A7 chord and starts on A, then goes in this sequence. A, E, F, G, A, F, E, D, ending in D minor chord 3 measures. Then starts again in D7 as follows. Jump up to D, A, Bb, C, D, Eb, D, ending in Gm chord. Then starts again G, A, Bb, F, E, F, G, A, E, D, .... C#, Bb, A, G, F, E, D. The second part goes as follows. A, E, A, F, C, B, C, E, D, Bb, A,... G, A, Bb, F, E, F, G, A, E, D, C#, Bb, A, G, F, E, D. End. Songs chords progression is A7, Dm, D7, Gm, Dm, A7, Dm, A7, Dm, C7, f, Gm, Dm, A7..... Hope that helps.

What key would you be in if F sharp was the key signature?

G (or E minor)

What key is the lion king version of just can't wait to be king in?

The song starts out in Gb and then swirtches up to G at about the 1:30 mark. So for principal chords, use Gb, B, Db7, then G, C, D7.

What is the key signature for the key e flat minor?

6 flats. B, E, A, D, G and C.