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Q: What musical instruments use simple machines?
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How You use simple machines?

You use simple machines to make work (moving things) easier.

Why do we use simple machine?

We use simple machines

How often are simple machines used?

they use simple machines for everything and every where.

Which instruments use musical note a?

I think all the instruments use the note A. It also depends on the octave. :)

What do you use simple machines for?

Simple tasks.

What simple machines does a dog use?

a dog machines

What musical instruments did amerindians use?

Depends on the tribe.

How does Blue Man Group take a very simple musical idea and make it sound richly complex?

Blue Man Group take a very simple musical idea and make it sound richly complex since they use found instruments.

What musical instruments did the inuit tribe use?

The Inuits used instruments such as drums and blow horns

Why use a simple machine?

Simple machines are much easier to make than complex machines.

Do simple machines use wires?

some simple machines do need wires and some dont

What device do you use to record and mix musical instruments?

A mixer.