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Medieval instruments included the following:

  • recorders and similar instruments
  • side blown flutes rather like Irish flutes of today
  • hornpipes
  • shawms, which were rather like oboes
  • crumhorns, which had double reeds but also a reed cap
  • Bagpipes, of many types
  • trumpets, without valves
  • horns and bugles, also without valves
  • cornetti, which were blown like horns but had holes like recorders, and were made of wood
  • sackbuts, which were rather like trombones
  • vihuela de mano, rather like a guitar
  • lutes of various types
  • vihuela de arco, a primitive fiddle shaped like a guitar
  • medieval fiddles ancestral to the viola da gamba
  • geige, or rebec, shaped like a small lute, but strung and bowed like a violin
  • bowed lyres, such as the Welsh crwth or English crowd
  • plucked dulcimers and similar zithers
  • hammered dulcimers
  • harps, both Gothic and Irish
  • hurdy gurdy, stringed instruments based on the body of a guitar, fiddle, or lute, with the strings sounded by a rosined bow and played with a keyboard
  • pipe organs of all sizes, including the portative, which was small enough to be carried and played by a person in a procession
  • drums
  • bells
  • xylophones, but it seems only after the crusades
  • the monochord, which had a single string and was used to demonstrate the physics of music
  • tromba marina, a musical instrument derived from the monochord, played by bowing and touching nodes on the string to produce different pitches

I am probably missing a few.

Most of these instruments have articles associated with them in Wikipedia. I am providing a link to Wikipedia below.

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Q: What musical instruments were used during the Middle Ages?
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Flutes, drums, whistles, and a lute

One difference between the Middle Ages and previous eras is that during the Middle Ages. One difference between the Middle Ages and previous eras is that during the Middle Ages .?

well your wording is confusing😕

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