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Strictly speaking, the Trumpet has a high pitch, however the highest note that can be played depends on the ability of the player.

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Q: What produce the highest pitch trumpet or trombone?
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Which produce the highest pitch a trumpet or a trombo?

Trumpet produces a higher pitch as compared to a Trombone

Which produces the highest sound in pitch a trumpet or trombone?


what item produces the highest pitch a trumpet or a trombone?

Between those two, the trumpet plays higher.

What is the highest pitched instrument in a brass family?

There are many brass instruments smaller than a tuba, because the tuba is the largest of the brass instruments. The instruments smaller than it in order from largest to smallest are: Baritone Horn, Euphonium, Trombone, Trumpet, Cornet, Piccolo Trumpet.

What are the different characteristics of music between Tuba Trombone Trumpet and French Horn?

they are all brass instruments but all have different pitches and different embouchures, such as the tuba is the lowest brass instrument and the trumpet is the highest and the trombone and french horn is in the middle, a tuba you have to have big lips to vibrate them loose and trombone and french horn too but you have to have tight lips for them and trumpet you have to have small lips and they all have valves except the trombone which has a slide to change pitch which makes it harder. (sorry if this was not the answer you wanted because i am a trombone player).

What family does the trumpet come from?

The trumpet is the highest member of the brass family. By highest I mean it can go the highest in pitch.

Which brass instrument uses a slide instead of valves to produce pitch?

A trombone

What musical characteristics does the Trumpet have?

The trumpet has the highest pitch of all brass instruments.

What is the highest pitch brass?

The highest pitched brass instrument is the Piccolo Trumpet. The next highest would be the soprano cornet and the soprano trumpet.

Why does a trumpet have a higher pitch than a tuba?

The trumpet is much smaller than the tuba, hence it has a higher pitch.

What is a type of trombone?

You can find your answer over at Urban Dictionary.

What are the brass instruments highest to lowest tone?

lowes-highest tuba, french horn, trombone, trumpet. I have to say I am trully honered to be represented on this website to help people who are really lost with their music, we will always be here to help you :) ------ Actually, you're apparently one of those lost people, because the trombone is lower than the horn. I'm not entirely sure which is higher, trumpet or horn, but I think they're about the same. I know on the trumpet how high you can go depends on your skill, and I'm pretty sure it's the same for the horn. So I think it would be: tuba, trombone, horn/trumpet. I think that depending on e skill of the player, either the trumpet or the horn could be highest brass instrument. Also, this list doesn't include all brass instruments, like baritone (same pitches as a trombone, but it uses valves, not a slide) and soprano trumpet (higher han a trumpeter horn, but it's a type of trumpet, so...) and flugelhorn or cornet (around the same pitch as a trumpet.) also, a bugle is like a trumpet. And that's not all the brass instruments. I'm sure there re more, I just can't think of them at the moment.