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Q: What size bass strings does fieldy of korn use?
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Related questions

Why does a bass guitar create lower notes than a violin and it's not just length?

Length, size and looseness and size of strings.

Why does the size of the double bass make it sound louder?

The vibration produced by the strings have more room to vibrate.

Can you tune an electric guitar to sound like a bass?

Yes but the strings would be like elastic bands and would be muddy to to the point of being almost unplayable. Yes because the 4 strings on the bass are an octave lower than the 3, 4, 5, and 6 strings on any guitar.

What is bigger than the cello?

The only strings instruments that are larger in size than the cello are the double bass and the harp.

How many strings does a full size harp have?

47 strings in a full size harp

What is better 4 or 5 string bass?

The difference is the amount of strings. A six string doesnt have better chords than a twelve stringed. The twelve string sounds much more rich and has a unique sound, along with more chords to play.

Why does a violin sound higher than a double bass?

Pitch is determined by the size of the instrument and the length of the string. Because the body of the violin is smaller, the strings are also shorter, allowing it to produce pitches far higher than those of the double bass.

Can you shred a bass guitar?

It's certainly possible to play pretty fast; things like fingertapping are harder because of the size of the frets and the size of the strings, though, and I can tell you from experience that sweep picking produces a very muddy, bad sound.

What is the size of a dobro?

6 strings

How can electric basses be so much smaller than Double Basses but have the same musical range?

The actual size of a double bass does not affect its musical range, but rather the darkness of its tone. What does affect its range is the scale length(the distance between the nut and the bridge). The standard scale length for a double bass is around 43", and an electric is 34". In order for the strings to be tuned to the same pitches, the double bass's strings are much more taught than an electric's to accommodate for the scale length.

What are the different sizes of bass guitars?

The standard full size is called "Long Scale" or "34 in. scale", meaning that the strings measure 34 in from nut to bridge. Medium scale is between 30 and 33 in. Short scale is anything shorter than 30 in. If your fingers aren't long enough to play a long scale bass, try a medium or short scale bass.

What bass drum size does machine head use?

24" bass drums.