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Folk Music. One of his most famous pieces was "This Land is Your Land".

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Q: What style of music did Bob Dylan play?
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What style of music was Bob Dylan apart of?

Folk Rock

What style of music does Bob Dylan play?

guitar, harmonica, harp, drums, banjo, flute, violin, bass, saxaphone, keyboard, and lastly tuba

Do Bob Dylan's children play music?

Bob Dylan has four children from his first marriage. Bob Dylan is a singer, writer, and artist. As of 2014 he is 73 years old.

Who were Bob Dylan's favorite musicians to listen to?

Bob dylan's favourite music was Jazz and classical .

What three people or groups play folk music?

1. Woody Guthrie2. The Weavers3. Bob Dylan

Who first merged folk music with rock?

One of the singers doing both genres of songs was Bob Dylan.

What music is Bob Dylan famous for?


Why Bob Dylan started music?

Dylan knew that music was his fate. He said so his most recent interview.

How did Bob Dylan become interested in music?

when he was young

What sort of song was Tangled in the Blue?

Bob Dylan wrote the song Tangled Up in the Blue. The genre for this song was Rock Folk music. Much of Dylan's work shares this same genre and style.

What is the most collectible Bob Dylan record?

Bob Dylan is an American musician, singer - song writer, music producer, artist, and writer. One of the best collectible Bob Dylan is The Freewheelin.

Who was the first artist to combine folk music and rock music?

Bob Dylan