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There are several different types of wood used including ebony, rosewood, boxwood

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Q: What type of wood is a violin made from?
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What is the chin part of a violin?

The wood used to make a violin would vary from the tie period it was made and the location it was made in. The most common type of wood for the "front part" is spruce.

What is the best type of violin bow to get a violinist as a gift?

Some of the best types of violin bows will be made out of the wood pernambuco. An authentic pernambuco is a strong wood that is resilient and the bow will last a long while. Brazilwood is also a good wood for a violin bow.

What the violin bows made now?

They are made of wood. All the bows are made of a specific wood but of course it is different for different bows.

Who first played the violin?

:) The first violin was played by a man name reyno dankwa and he was 14 years old and he made the violin aswell out of wood and string :)

Who played first violin?

:) The first violin was played by a man name reyno dankwa and he was 14 years old and he made the violin aswell out of wood and string :)

Related questions

What is the chin part of a violin?

The wood used to make a violin would vary from the tie period it was made and the location it was made in. The most common type of wood for the "front part" is spruce.

What is the best type of violin bow to get a violinist as a gift?

Some of the best types of violin bows will be made out of the wood pernambuco. An authentic pernambuco is a strong wood that is resilient and the bow will last a long while. Brazilwood is also a good wood for a violin bow.

What is bamboo violin?

It's a violin that is made of a bamboo. :)

What is a bass violin made of?


How is the violin constructed?

the violin is constructed by a series of step and it is made out of wood.

How was a violin first made?

violins are made of wood!

What was the violin made of in the history?

Wood obviously

What is a violin chin-rest made of?


What are the tuners made of on a violin?

They are made of stained or painted wood

What is the body of the violin made out of?

wood . ( unless electric then it is metal)

What materials make up a violin?

it mastly made from wood

What the violin bows made now?

They are made of wood. All the bows are made of a specific wood but of course it is different for different bows.