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He did not fail all of his expeditions. All though he was not a great explorer he did exceed in one of his expeditions. In 1577 he sailed to America and stole from the Spanish colonies as ordered by the queen of England.

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He was unsuccessful at human rights because he was heavily involved in the slave trade.

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Q: What were some things that francis drake was unsuccesful at?
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What are some facts about Sir Francis Drake?

In 1577, Francis Drake left on a voyage to sail around the world with 5 ships, including the 'Golden Hinde.

What are some contributions of Sir Francis Drake?

we don`t know

What are some important facts about sir francis drake?

He was called,"the dragon" by the spanish.

What were some contributions Sir Francis Drake toward others' explorations?

He was a pirate, none.

Who did sir Francis drake meet on his trips?

he meat some people but know one knows

How could you make the collar that Sir Francis Drake wore?

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What were some animals discovered by Sir Francis Drake on the voyage on the Golden Hinde?

that's why i want to know

Who was theother English pirate other than sir francis drake?

Sir Francis Drake was not a pirate, he as a mercenary working for the queen. Some famous English pirates were "Blackbeard" (aka Edward Teach), Bartholomew Roberts, Henry Morgan,

What impact on the world did sir francis drake make?

he voyages of Sir Francis Drake changed the world in two ways. The first way was when Drake raided the Spaniards and killed many of them. That was the reason for the Spanish war. Ever since, they've had a rivalry. Also, he impacted the world by sailing around the world. People were inspired by that, so they decided to follow. These are the ways Sir Francis Drake impacted the world. Drake later died in 1596. Obviously, Sir Francis Drake was a great explorer. If he had not been forced to live on a boat, and have his rich cousin John Hawkins, he would not have been on any of his famous voyages. Drake's voyage around the world made people try and follow in his footsteps. Even though Drake started the Spanish war, he was a hero. Sir Francis Drake will be remembered by many people.

Where did The sea dog Francis Drake sail along the coast?

•In 1579 Francis Drake, an English pirate, sailed along the coast of California after capturing two Spanish ships filled with gold and luxury goods in the Pacific Ocean. •He landed somewhere north of San Francisco where he repaired his ship and gathered supplies to cross the Pacific and eventually go back to England. •There are still stories going around today that he buried some of his gold north of San Francisco. Some modern day treasure hunters are still looking for that gold. •Francis Drake claimed the land he found for England, though England never acted on it. He eventually left California and became the second sea captain to go around the world. •When he arrived back in England, the Queen made him a Knight. Francis Drake is still hated today in Spain. •Francis Drake is also considered a California hero and many places are named after him today.

Where did the sea dog Francis Drake sail along the coast of?

•In 1579 Francis Drake, an English pirate, sailed along the coast of California after capturing two Spanish ships filled with gold and luxury goods in the Pacific Ocean. •He landed somewhere north of San Francisco where he repaired his ship and gathered supplies to cross the Pacific and eventually go back to England. •There are still stories going around today that he buried some of his gold north of San Francisco. Some modern day treasure hunters are still looking for that gold. •Francis Drake claimed the land he found for England, though England never acted on it. He eventually left California and became the second sea captain to go around the world. •When he arrived back in England, the Queen made him a Knight. Francis Drake is still hated today in Spain. •Francis Drake is also considered a California hero and many places are named after him today.