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The sound you are hearing could be coming from bad Tires. As the Tires Feather because of misalignment or suspension issues, they develop an uneven wear pattern. If the noise gets louder as your speed increases, this could be your problem. Get to a Tire Dealer and have your Tires and Suspension Checked. :-) Another noise that sounds like a tire noise is a wheel bearing going bad. IF you take you hand and feeling the tread around the tire, you can tell if there is a smooth feel or a wavy feel or choppy feel etc. Anything other than a smooth feel could cause a roar. IF your struts are original, they may be causing a choppy wear.

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Q: What would cause a 1998 Ford Taurus to sound like a helicopter while driving and then have the sound go away at roughly 65 MPH?
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2001 Taurus is misfiring Mechanic says the coil pack needs to be replaced - does this sound right?

Bad ignition coil will cause engine to sputter and hesitate on acceleration.

What will cause engine to die while driving in 95 jeep Cherokee when battery and alternator good?

trash in your fuel filter

Do people get into accidents when they listen to music while driving?

Listening to music does not cause accidents, and NOT listening to music does not prevent accidents. Sometimes accidents will happen to you because of a mistake another driver makes. If you are the cause of an accident it is probably because of one of the following:You were too distracted or too fatigued to see or hear a threat and respond to it properly.You were driving too fast or violating some other safe driving rule.Something happened completely outside of your control.If you are listening to music that is too loud, or that causes you serious distraction while driving, then you are priming yourself for trouble.

Could the Crank Shaft Position Sensor cause a 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo to stall driving up the road doing 65?


Will a Reckless driving conviction due to speeding of 26 mph over limit in Virginia cause my PA license to be suspended?

It doesn't matter what state your were in while you were ticketed, it flows to the state where your license is from. I don't know if it will cause suspension of your license or not.

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