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In about 26000 year.

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Q: When will the first coded radio message sent from earth in 1974 to constellation Hercules arrive?
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Which constellation was the first coded radio message sent to?

constellation Hercules

RNA that coppies the coded message in DNA?

The Messenger RNA, is an RNA that copies the coded message from DNA.

What is the coded message?

i means that you have indicated...

Contains a coded message of how to construct a protein?


Whatcopies the coded message from the DNA and carries the message to ribosomes?

Messenger RNA (mRNA)

RNA that copies the coded message from the DNA in the nucleus and carries the message into the cytoplasm?

Messenger RNA.

What is a coded message sent over wires called?

A telegram

What does ciphered mean?

In cryptography a cipher is a code used to encrypt or decrypt a coded message. The cipher is the "key" that unlocks the message. So a message (or computer file) that has been encryption coded has been ciphered and must be decoded (deciphered) before it can be read.

What is a cryptic message?

It is a message whose meaning is not immediately apparent. The information will be coded in some form and it will be necessary to work out the code before the message can be properly understood.

What is RNA describe how it performs its functions?

"Messenger RNA copies the coded message from the DNA in the nucleus, and carries the message to the ribosome in the cytoplasm."

What is the coded message in the book If you're reading this it's too late?

The answer is Pseudonymous Bosch.

What is Anne bonny secret coded message for the 39 clues?

the followers of m are watchimg