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Q: Where can you download the music he sleeps from Pretty Woman by James Newton Howard?
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What is the name of the song in the kissing scene in Pretty Woman?

Originally by Bruce Springsteen called 'Racing in the street'. The piano piece in pretty woman is adapted from that song and is called 'He Sleeps' composed by James Newton Howard. The song however was never actually released. You can listen and buy the piano sheet music here:

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Howard Stern on Demand - 2005 Artie Sleeps was released on: USA: March 2008

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While My Pretty One Sleeps - 1997 TV is rated/received certificates of: UK:12

Where can the music he sleeps from the movie Pretty Woman be found?


What does a musk ox do?

It walks, eats, sleeps, pretty much anything that a normal herbivore does.

What was the name of that instrumental song on pretty woman when she came out of the bathroom and she says he sleeps?

Is this the one you're referring to?: It is titled "Love Theme from Pretty Woman (He Sleeps)". HTH!

What are the release dates for While My Pretty One Sleeps - 1997 TV?

While My Pretty One Sleeps - 1997 TV was released on: USA: 12 January 1997 UK: 3 December 1999 Sweden: 16 February 2000 Japan: 7 March 2008

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pretty sure it was Sterling Trader Pro

Does Leonardo DiCaprio sleeps on his stomach?

Yes. He sleeps on his left side. He sleeps on his right side. He sleeps on his back. He sleeps on his belly.

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IT sleeps were it sleeps

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he sleeps very beautifully.

How can a man go eight days without a sleep?

He sleeps at night