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Secondary consumers receive their energy by consuming other species. The energy that those species had transfers to the carnivore. Energy never ends, it keeps transferring and can change forms. A useful diagram of this process can be found at

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11y ago

primary consumers get their energy by eating the producers.

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12y ago

a primary consumer gets its food by eating the producer (plants).

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13y ago

From the sun

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When a secondary consumer eats a primary consumer how much energy gets transferred?

the secondary consumer gets 10% of the energy from consuming primary consumer.

How much energy in a primary consumer?

It gets 10% of energy from the secondary consumer.

Why doesnt the energy from a producer all transfer to the secondary consumer?

Not all the energy from a producer transfer to a secondary consumer because some of this energy is lost along the way.

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What is true about secondary consumers in an ecosystem?

A secondary consumer is a predator that eats the primary consumer in an ecosystem. Flow of energy in an ecosystem= primary producer>primary consumer>secondary consumer>teriary consumer

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The primary motive of consumer behavior is to gain energy for locomotion. The secondary motive is energy for building new cells.

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A Shark would be considered a Secondary Consumer because a primary consumer gets its energy from plants, whereas a Secondary Consumer gets its energy from from other consumers.

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They are normally considered a secondary consumer.

Is beetle a secondary concumer?

It depends. A secondary consumer is the second creature to eat anything in the food chain. So if a carnivorous bug ate another bug that had already eaten a plant, it would be a secondary consumer. A plant is not a consumer because it gets it's energy from the sun. A consumer is an animal that eats.

Is a flamingo a primary or a secondary consumer?

No its a Secondary Consumer

Is a cat a secondary consumer or primary consumer?

Secondary consumer