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Built-in effects on an amplifier are usually inferior. Such an amplifier is usually digital. You don't have as much control over the parameters of each effect. You can't mix-and-match (for example, use an Ibanez Tube Screamer for overdrive and an MXR Phase 90). Also, the basic tone of a digital amplifier tends to be inferior, less "punchy" and "organic", and especially problematic in a live setting. Most professional Guitarists would use a very good basic amp (usually a tube amp) and then add an effects unit or a pedal board.

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Q: Which is better an amp with effects or effect pedals?
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Are effects pedals for the electric guitar for the amplifier because you found one with overdrive which you want because the amplifier you are getting does not have overdrive?

effect pedals are designed to make it easy to switch effects during performances. if it was on the amp you'd have to go over to the amp and switch it while your playing.

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Angus uses the overdrive on his amp.

How do you change the volume of an electric guitar?

There are several ways to increase the volume of an electric guitar. The two obvious ways would be to turn up the volume knob on the guitar itself, or turn up the master volume on your amp. If you have no master volume on your amp, use the post gain for the channel you are playing through. Other things also effect the volume of a guitar. Changing the pickups can effect the guitar's output, as can changing the pots, strings, etc. Also, depending on the pedals used, certain pedals can decrease the volume of the guitar being played, but a simple solution to that would be running your pedals through an effects loop.

What effect pedals does joe satriani use?

I was on the working crew for Joe in NYC. he has his Saturator pedal from Vox, he has a digitech whammy.

Where does the pedal go in the amp?

Gain effects lie overdrive, compressor etc go between the guitar and amp, time based effect eg flange, chorus go in the effects loop.

How do you use the effects loop in the back of your Fender Performer 650 amplifier?

Plug a 1/4" cable from your selected effect's pedal output to the amp's loop input, then plug another 1/4" cable from the amp's effect loop output to the effect pedals input completing the loop.

Mercedes Benz ml-class Bose amp location?

amp is located above the gas pedals to the left behind insulation

What is the thing people use to play the electric guitar?

To play the Electric Guitar you need a pick, amp, and a cable. Sometimes people use effects pedals or a tremelo bar to enhance sound, but this is not neccessary.

If you plug too many guitar pedals into a small amp could it overpower it?

No not at all :]

How do you get a metal effect on your amp?

Well if you have an over drive button that should do it. Or if you have a built in modelor or effects you should be able to find it

Why won't my ford F-150 2006 power seats and power mirrors and power pedals work?

There is a fuse that is common to all 3 things : # 3 / 7.5 amp mini-fuse / Power mirrors , memory seats and pedals -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- also , for your information , # 108 / 30 amp cartridge fuse / passenger power seat and # 109 / 30 amp cartridge fuse / driver power seat , adjustable pedals

How does angus young get his sound?

he uses a Gibson sg plugged straight into a marshall amp with its gain on about 3 but the volume up really loud, he uses no effects pedals and he also uses alot of blues and pentatonic licks