

Who is James hetfeild?

Updated: 10/24/2022
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13y ago

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James Hetfield is the Lead Singer and Rhythm guitarist for the Heaviest band in the world, Metallica. Metallica makes it's origins in 1981 basically handing out demo tapes to get their name out. By 1983, Metallica had a studio contract. That contract is what is known as "Kill 'em All", A 10 track album that was produced when James was all but 17. With each album, Metallica started becoming a reckoned force in the music industry. But in 1991, The Black Album was released. This album showcased impeccable guitar playing and extreme vocals by James Hetfield. At the moment, Metallica is Touring in Australia. The did however, come to the states to perform at launch party for the Massive video game, "Call of Duty: Black Ops". Is there anything else you wish to know about James Hetfield or Metallica?

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