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i just found it.the dentist is actor Cameron van cleave and the nurse is julienne irons. your welcome!;)~

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Q: Who played the dentist and the nurse in Freds music video Don't forget to brush?
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Related questions

Can your parents make you go to the dentist if you ar 11?

Yes. Listen to your parents, and don't forget to brush and floss.

What is the first advice of a dentist to his patient?

brush your teeth

What does your dentist warn will happen if you don't brush your teeth?

That is their job!

Do you brush your teeth the night after the dentist outs flouride on them?


How do you remove plaque?

brush, floss, get a regular cleanings at the dentist office

What do dentist say would happen if you dont brush your teeth?

you get gingivitis

How do you brush teeth with braces?

Yes, when you get braces, the dentist gives you a small tooth brush and you brush in between the braces

Why do your teeth hurt when you brush your hair?

Maybe you should see a dentist... or a therapist.

Why is it a good idea to brush your teeth twice a day?

Because the dentist told you to......

What is the most important way to prevent dental disease?

brush your teeth! brush your teeth! and floss! dont forget to floss! and rinse with mouthwash! dont forget the mouthwash! and how about that toothpaste! make sure you brush after EVERY MEAL!

What the person called that takes care of you teeth?

The great majority of people brush their own teeth. Infants and toddlers usually have a parent to brush the teeth. Very old people usually have an orderly or nursing aide brush their teeth.

How should I prepare to go to the dentist for the first time in 15 years?

There is no real preparation to go to a dentist. You can brush your teeth but a dentist will be able to see all flaws within your mouth after thourough examination. Just mentally prepare yourself, because obviously you have avoided the dentist so long for some reason, possibly fear. You can brush your teeth but the dentist can tell you haven't had a cleaning in 15 years.