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"Music hath charms to soothe a savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak." William Congreve


"Music has charms to soothe a savage breast," spoken by Almeria in Act I, Scene 1. (The word "breast" is often misquoted as "beast".)


The play was called The Mourning Bride [1697], and the quote id from Act 1 Sc1.


The Offspring on "Time to Relax (Intro)" from the Smash album released in 1994.

Ahhhhh, it's time to relax,

And you know what that means,

A glass of wine, your favourite easy chair,

And of course this compact disc playing and your home stereo. So go on, indulge yourself,

That's right, kick off your shoes, put your feet up,

Lean back and just enjoy the melodies.

After all, music soothes even the savage beasts.

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12y ago

Please note that the question is not about the original phrase, 'the savage breast,' but it is about the altered phrase, 'the savage beast."Bugs Bunny once got a gorilla to stop chasing him by playing the violin...Bugs spots a violin, and noting that "music calms the savage beast", he starts playing the violin in Hurdy-Gurdy Hare.

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Who said music has charms to soothe a savage beast?

The quote is "Musick has Charms to sooth a savage Breast," and originated in The mourning bride, by William Congreave in 1697.

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No. This was said by William Congreve. The full quote is, "Music hath charms to soothe the savage beast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak."

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