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Uhm. well this is too insider..

uhmm my little sister thinks he is H.o.t.t!!'

i think he isnt..

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Q: Who thourght Justin bieber was cute in 2010?
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no it does not ha i won justin bieber is do cute

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cute and hot

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Ofcourse Justin Bieber. He is so cute.

Is Justin Bieber cute in baby?

Of course, he is always cute

How come Justin Bieber is so cute?

One Justin Bieber isn't just cute he is cute and talented! And two it is probably from his parents that's where I get my good looks!

What type of dog does Justin bieber love?

Justin Bieber has a cute little fluffy Pomeranian....

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Justin Bieber is grew up in Canada. He Is Really Cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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because he is cute