Miley Cyrus quit Hannah Montana because she felt to grown up for it. She didn't want to be little "Teen pop sensation" anymore. She wanted to be edgy and grownup. That is why she bought a house right down the block from her parents,
Hannah Montana reached till the end of season 4.The show had been on for a long time.Not because Miley is a slut as some people say
Has dated more than 30 guys in the past 3 years
Miley Cyrus
Is dating 1 guy since the past 3 year and they are happily engaged
Because Miley felt that she was getting to old to be acting on a Disney Channel show.
well, she's been in the Hannah Montana movie and the last song and she has her own T.V show Hannah Montana
Miley Cyrus has 3 Studio albums: 1. Meet Miley Cyrus 2. Break out 3. Can't be tamed time of our lives is promotional for her fasion line so is not a studio album, but it did have singles. (the Hannah Montana albums - there are 4. season 1,2&3 and the movie soundtrack.) (Hannah Montana don't count as hers, they are in the name of her tv character and are not official studio albums) full details on ... (Miley Cyrus discovery...)
well,i am not sure.i think i was on television when the first episode already premiered,but before i tell u what i was on television 4,why are u asking this?!oh,u are just curious,huh?well,i was singing in the 2nd grade at my school,and i was surprised when my papa called my dad and he said "did u know that papa told me u were on the news?!"
she was eleven when she took the audition and twelve when they started shooting Hannah Montana
Yes,and they have been since the begenning of the show Hannah Montana.
Never. Miley Cyrus has always been Miley Cyrus. But Hannah Montana was created in 2005.
She is the actress playing Hannah Montana and if she did not have sex with a man she whould not have been kicked of of the show hannah montana
Hannah Montana is only the alter ego of Miley Cyrus. You cannot get in touch with her because she is not real. Also, because Hannah Montana no longer exists as Miley Cyrus has retired the Hannah wig and the tv show has been cancelled.
Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus, the person who plays her, has never been pregnant.
Hannah Montana the movie
1 movie she been in is hannah montana.
well, she's been in the Hannah Montana movie and the last song and she has her own T.V show Hannah Montana
He feared that the fame that came along with Hannah Montana ruined his family.
The final season of "Hannah Montana" has been filmed and will be shown later in the year. Miley Cyrus, who turns 18 in November, is looking forward to continuing her recording and acting careers.
Emily Osment has been on Hannah Montana just as long as Miley Cyrus has. Which is a total of all four seasons.
The story line "The way we almost weren't Hannah Montana is really nothing Its just that Miley Cyrus could have been or couldn't have been Hannah Montana!!:)
yes they been in the new movie when Miley Cyrus went back to her home town and the show when miley has a secret her secret was that was Hannah Montana