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Q: Why does slender man kill people?
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What does slender man do to children?

Slender Man is a fictional character known for abducting or luring children into the woods. In online urban legends, he is depicted as a tall, thin figure who preys on young people by gaining their trust before taking them away. It is important to remember that Slender Man is not real.

How do you kill slender man?

Get in Holy Water

Is there a way to kill slender man?

Well, this question is unanswered, and probably will never be answered because when ever you see a slightest bit of slender man, he will take you a way and kill you before you can even try to kill him. He is unstoppable, and will always be unstoppable.

Why slender man kill?

I think he kills because his daughter died

Can slender man kill people?

I don't know which "slender man" you are discussing, but any man (whether fat or thin, old or young) is capable of killing someone. That does not mean the person will do it; it just means under the right circumstances and with the right weapon, it is possible.

Has kids stabbed people from Slender Man?

Slender Man doesn't talk but some kids are really mean.

Why do people believe in slender man?

they have seen the simble of it

Does slender man kill adult?

Yes, I know from personal experience. He will kill adults, just like he did me too oncely.

How do slender men kill you?

In horror folklore, Slender Man is depicted as a figure who psychologically manipulates his victims, driving them to madness or compelling them to harm themselves. There is no concrete evidence or proof that Slender Man actually exists or has killed anyone in reality.

Why is people so obsessised with slender man?

theyre scared

Who would win Chuck Norris or slender man?

Slender man

Why does slender man chase people?

He just wants $20. That is all.