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Oh dear, the note B# DOES exist. It is not used very much, because it is the sharpest note on the circle of 5ths before you get to the double-sharps. But, it is the leading tone (the seventh degree) in the key of C# Major, whose notes are C#, D#, E#, F#, G#, A#, B#, C# (like C Major, only everything has a sharp) and it is the raised seventh degree of the C# harmonic and melodic minor scales. That's still simple diatonicism. It is also a frequent chromatic alteration in the sharper keys (as a raised tonic in B Major, for instance, in the progression B - B#° - C#m - F7).

On the piano keyboard it is a white note, so many people just call the note C, however, it depends on what key the music is written in, or the context in which it is used to know what to properly call the note.

Some people say it doesn't exist, but they just don't know enough about musical theory. In twelve tone equal temperament they sound the same, but in just temperaments those two notes (C and B#) would actually be tuned differently.

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11y ago

It does, it's just not usually called E sharp, its usually called F, as they both sound at the same pitch. It comes down to what key you are in. You find E# in two major keys: in F# Major, where it is the leading tone (or the note "ti" in solfege) and in the key of C# Major, where it is the mediant (or the note "mi" in solfege).

Since there are 5 accidentals (natural, flat, sharp, double flat, double sharp) you will have 5 different versions of each of the notes A, B, C, D, E, F and G.

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Is the A note a B sharp?

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B (B natural).

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C sharp, D sharp, E natural, F sharp, G sharp, A natural, B sharp & C sharp We call the note C "B sharp" to avoid using the same letter name twice. If we used the note name "C" we would have 2 C-notes and no B-notes in the scale!

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an a sharp is a b flat and that is holding down the C note the B note and the third key near your right hand that looks like a rectangle

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A sharp and B flat.

How do you finger A sharp on a trumpet?

On a b-flat trumpet, A sharp is played with the first valve, same same as B flat.

Is there a h note?

No. There are a (plus a flat and a sharp), b (plus b flat and b sharp), c (flat and sharp), d (flat and sharp), e (flat and sharp), f (flat and sharp), and g (flat and sharp). That makes a, b, c, d, e, f, g Plus the flat and sharp for each, making 21 notes of the scale.

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A sharp, also known as B flat.