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Because Justin Bieber lives.

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Q: Why does the tip of my nose hurt even if I don't touch it?
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If you have not been hit in the nose what could make it hurt when you touch it or even wiggle it?

It depends where you get hit in the nose. If you get hit in the top where the bone is it while hurt for a while as the bone hardens as you age which makes hurt just a bit more every other time. I am 11 and have fractured my nose 3 times by either getting elbowed or punched all accidentally. It does hurt a lot but will disappear over time. If you just touch the nose on the bone or down below in more of the cartilage area, you can really feel the bone and cartilage and how it would hurt if you got hit there.

How much money is a fake nose stud at claires?

Just get it pierced lol it dont hurt

What does Dont' cut off your nose to spite your face mean?

It means that you do something in anger that will only hurt you

Why is your nose purple?

my answer to you is that your deformed and you have issues get in touch with a doctor if you can afford it even though its free

Do nose piercings hurt i mean the studs in the corner of your nose?

Nope! I have my ears pierced, nose, and belly button. And honestly, the nose was probably the LEAST painful! It hurts a little when they push the needle through, but after about 5 minutes it didn't even hurt at all. It was like I had had the piercing forever. Mine wasn't even tender. Most painless piercing in my opinion.

How do you make up your nose look smaller especially who has flesy nose at the tip of nose and the ala?

there are cheaer ways than nose jobs! bangs that cover from the top of your right eye to over your left eye actually will make you proud of your nose. PS. IF NOSE STICKS THRU BANGS< U GOTTA PROBLEM> DA BANGS DONT EVEN GO LOW ENUFF @ TOUCH A NORMALLY LARGE NOSE, SO, AVOID LASERS, GET PLASTIC. =)

Does piercing your nose by yourself hurt?

Yessssssssss !!!! So much. Because you do not have the right equipment to do it with. Get it professionaly done cause then you dont have to worry.

Does getting your nose pierced even hurt?

I got my nose pierced about 3 and a half months ago and it doesnt hurt that bad...It actually doesnt hurt as bad as getting stung by a bee...I just had one little tear roll down my face when I got mine done...So get your nose pierced it looks really cute :)

You got a pimple on your nose and im 13 what does that mean?

Ur hitting puberty... dont worry everyone goes through it i went through it when i was 14... 0.0 just soap it daily and dont touch it.

Why Does your nose hurt?


What do you reply when somebody says I am sorry for your loss?

dont even bother. its not your fault.

Is it possible to touch your nose with your tongue?

yes.. i can even put my tongue behind it