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Q: Why is a string instrument tuned by changing the tension on the strings?
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Is a piano string?

No. Even though it has strings, it is not classified as a string instrument.

What string instrument does not look like a string instrument?

Piano (uses hammers to strike the strings). Harpsichord (uses mechanisms to pluck the strings)

Why is the ukulele a string instrument?

String instruments are called that because they have ... strings.

Why does the harp belong to the string instrument family?

A chordophone is any musical instrument which makes sounds by way of a vibrating string or strings stretched between 2 points. A stringed instrument is any musical instrument that has a string.

What is string instument?

The string instrument is an instrument that has strings on it.There are many different ways to play the strings and many different instruments, e.g the violin can be played with a bow or you can do pizzicato(which is plucking the strings.

What three things are there of causing a string on a guitar to make a low note?

Thickness, length and tension are the main contributing factors in harmonic tone of a string. Materiel density (hardness), composition (such as wound strings vs. simple strings) how and where the string is struck and the acoustics of the instrument are also factors.

Is harp is a string instrument?

Yes, as it has strings on it

What string instrument has 2 strings?

Guitar and Banjo