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Q: Why were scribes respected in sumer?
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Who had the skill to do writing for others in sumer?

A special group of people called scribes.

Why did Sumerian need leadership and organization?

Sumerian city-states gave scribes ( government officails) more power because scribes were very important in sumer

Why were scribes important to people in sumer?

they helped keep records, and also managed the calendar.

Why were scribes very respected by the sumerians?

Because if they were not nice to them they knew the Sumerians would kill them.

Why were scribes important in Sumerian government?

Because if they were not nice to them they knew the Sumerians would kill them.

What were scribes in sumer?

The purpose of the Scribes of Sumerian were two main purposes. These were to record history and the daily life events.

What was the purpose of the earliest schools in Sumer?

The earliest schools in Sumer were established to educate individuals for specific roles in society, such as scribes, priests, and administrators. These schools focused on teaching reading, writing, math, and religious texts. The purpose was to train individuals in the necessary skills to contribute to the functioning of the Sumerian city-states.

Why did ancient Egyptians want there children to be scribes?

Because in Ancient Egyptian Times, Scribes were Important People. Being a scribe you were highly respected and prized for your skills. Scribes were rich and powerful members of society, a bit like parents today wanting their children to be a surgeon or a barister.

What is a professional writer called from ancient sumer?

In ancient sumer, if a person wanted a letter written or a list of trade items drawn up, he or she would hire a professional writer called a scribe.

Why were scribes important people in sumer?

Scribes were graduates that were professional writers. Scribes combined symbols to make groups of wedges and lines known as cuneiform. Cuneiform represented many different languages.

What did a scribe do and what benefits did scribes receive?

They keep records and accounts, they also wrote and copied religious and literary texts. Benefits: they was the most respected people and they did not have to pay taxes.

What employed the most people in ancient Egypt?

The Scribes were the most respected jobs, then followed Artisans, Artists, Architects, Soldiers, Farmers And Or other Peasants, then followed by Slaves.