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Q: What instruments or voice have the Pope Marcellus Mass Gloria melody through the song?
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How is melody created?

Music is created through sound waves. It can produced from the use of instruments or through from use of various vocal techniques.

Is melodies always played with percussion instruments?

Percussion instruments are instruments such as the drums. The guitar can be used for percussion although it is a string instrument. No, percussion instruments are not used for playing the melody.

What is the term given to Schoenberg's technique of moving the melodic parts rapidly through the different instruments?

klangfarbenmelodie is the term given. It literally means 'tone colour melody'

What is your singing voice part?

it is the melody or succsesion of tones for one of the voices or instruments

What type of instruments are used in a dramatic melody?

Violins, Cellos, French Horns

What are the melody instruments in the song grenade by Bruno mars?

well don`t know the melody but i do know the insrtuments they are : piano keyboad drums bass

What is the Difference between melody and tune?

The melody of a song is a specific part of the song. Often in a song with many instruments the melody is the leading string of notes that one would pick out and hum or whistle. The same song may also have a bass line that the bass instruments would play. Together these parts together could be described as the tune although sometimes it is used as a synonym for melody. Tune is a less technical term than melody.

What do you call the sound fundament of two or more instruments whereon the melody is laid?

I will hazard the guess-- pitch. But the question wording is tricky. You could be implying that a melody is 'laid' upon the harmonic 'fundament' created by the 2 or more additional instruments.

What is interlock and resultant melody?

In music, interlocking is when two or more instruments in a group follow their own beat, and those beats often overlap the other beats. Resultant melody is when two or more instruments have individual melodies that are played at the same time.

What are the differences between a whistle and a song?

A whistle is a musical instrument that makes a melody to a song. A song is what comes when instruments preform a melody. A song usually has words as well.

What effects do drums have on music?

Percussion instruments of all kinds add flavor to music, primarily through beat. It is the function of a drum to provide the tempo, the energy, and the consistency to the melody being played.

What is the main instruments in the 12 bar blues?

Many instruments are used. They include the saxophone (famous for use in Blues music), the Piano and the Guitar. The Piano is usually the melody (or the head) however the Guitar can also play the melody. The Trumpet and trombone are used often as well.