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No. Mars does not have plate tectonics. The volcanoes on Mars are the result of hot spots.

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Q: Did plate tectonics on Mars form the volcanoes on Mars?
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When plate tectonics cause cracks to form?

volcanoes can occur

How were Mars' volcanoes formed?

Since Mars lacks plate tectonics, the volcanoes were probaly formed by hot spots. These are areas where extra hot mantle material wells up and collects beneath the crust where some of it melts and rises through the crust to form volcanoes.

How do plate tectonics contribute to global warming?

Plate tectonics form volcanoes, which release large amounts of water vapour everyday. Water vapour contribute the most to global warming. When volcanoes erupt, large amounts of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide are released into the air.

Is plate tectonics the plural form of plate tectonics?

Yes, the singular form is normally plate tectonic or tectonic plate so the plural would be plate tectonics or tectonic plates. Dumb crap.

Volcanoes are able to form in several different plate-tectonic settings?

The type of tectonics where volcanoes occur are continental rift volcanism, hot spot, and continental volcanic arc. The other tectonics are subduction zones and rift valleys on a continental crust.

What form does the crust do?

plate tectonics.

How are subduction form?

by plate tectonics

What is the connection between volcanoes and plate tectonics?

Volcanoes form as a result of plate tectonics. When plates are pushing, pulling, and grinding they cause volcanoes. Magma that reaches the surface of the earth produces volcanoes where plates collide or spread apart. Sources: My science book and my great brain.

Volcanoes form on what plate?

They form near plate boundaries.

What do plate tectonics have to do with earthquakes?

When tectonic plates come together or go under or over each other, forms a volcano. that what tectonic plates do form volcanoes!!! Thank you

What do coverging plate tectonics form?

Fault lines.

What does the theory of plate tectonics help explain?

The theory of plate tectonics helps to explain how earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur.