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No, they vibrate faster.

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Q: Do particles vibrate slower when heated?
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Particles vibrate faster when they are cooled?

Particles vibrate faster when they are heated.

Do gas particles vibrate while they move?

Not to my knowledge, they only vibrate if they are heated

What do particles in a solid do when heated?

They vibrate. And if heated enough, most connections will be broken and the object will be melted.

What happens to the particles in a liquid when they are heated?

The particles in a liguid are bonded (not as strongly as a solid which is why it flows.) when it is heated the particles vibrate and eventually the bonds break and the particles break away. This is evaporation.

What happens to particles in a substance when its heated or cooled?

In a solid, the particles start to vibrate a lot.In a liquid, the particles begin to move around faster and faster.In a gas, the particles move extremely fast through the air.

What happens to the particles in a liquid when it is heated?

They begin to vibrate more quickly when a liquid is heated, it will evaporate. ie. the liquid will turn to vapour (gas). if the vapour i s collected, it will turn back to the liquid again once it is cooled (condensation) muck love, kate

Do particles in a solid vibrate around a fixed point?

No, the vibrations depend on how much energy the particles have. If a solid is heated from the left side, the particles on the left will vibrate more than the particles on the right. Solid particles vibrate as each individual particle, not as a group or around a fixed point.

Why does a balloon shrink when cooled?

because the particles of the compound, called atoms, vibrate more when heated and then when cooled the

How do particles behave in a solid?

the atoms move much slower than in liquids, gases, and plasmas.

What happens to the particles in object when they vibrate?

They cause the particles around them to be pushed together and then spread apart.

What happens to the particles when a piece of rock is heated up?

The molecules that make up the rock vibrate faster, with greater velocity.

Most matter when heated?

The individual particles vibrate/move faster. The matter as a whole expands.