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enzyme involved in protein synthesis are ribozymes i.e., rRNA with catalytic function

that is why RNA is considered to be as genetic material of initial life on the earth and then it diverged to DNA and Proteins and distributed its functions so that a living system can attain more and more stability and functional variation leading to evolution....

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Helicase and RNS polymerase are used in the nucleus. The helicase enzyme is used to "unzip" the Dna strand in order for the RNA polymerase to copy the genetic code from the Dna strand and copy it to the newly formed mRNA strand.

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Q: How did enzymes involved in protein synthesis came about?
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At which temperature do most enzymes from the human body become completely denature?

i did an experiment in school on enzymes in plants and the optimum temperature for enzymes in a plant it seemed to be at around 40 degrees Celsius so anything above 40 the enzymes denature, but you might have to take into account what fruit it is / where it came from - if its a tropical fruit it might have a higher optimum temperature because of the climate it came from- that's just an idea

How did Ernst Walter Mayr contributed to the current theory of evolution?

He was a systemist who contributed to the neodarwinian synthesis. He was the man who came up with the biological species concept.

Why are enzymes needed to control chemical reactions with cells?

enzymes are needed to control chemical reactions within cells because the enzymes acts like catalysts. They basically speed up the reactions within the body, and within the cells, so there fore they help the body maintain its internal environment (homeostasis).-Grade 12 Bio student(exact question came on a handout :P)

Why is it important to eat protein?

am Dr. Gyasi Andy, call me Trilla or Andy dosty....You can get protein from eating vagina. The enzymes found in the liquid that a woman's vagina secretes contain a fair amount of protein and, if consumed by the human body, can be used as a supplement. But it can not completely replace protein. Eat buh dont lick... *shud out to my boses who made ma doctorial dream came true... kilo, billions, kish, 2gig, krash, nani, prekese, sunsum, stylo, onukpa, ogah, villa, cyrus, amay, kotodwey, twetsi, t-bag, bayaako, podolsky, atupa,kapone, mead, j-so, blox etc... i say a very big thanks. And to all a whatsAPP groups *Sex freaks adults, *koti police, *turntable event crew * boys ne 3twe *3mbaa p3 koti *etc Drinking the secreted liquid can be roughly compared to drinking saliva. andy....your health my concern

What changes might bacteria cause in urine?

Bacteria in the urinary tract could cause blood or elevated protein in the urine. Urine may also contain white blood cells which came to fight the infection.

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At which temperature do most enzymes from the human body become completely denature?

i did an experiment in school on enzymes in plants and the optimum temperature for enzymes in a plant it seemed to be at around 40 degrees Celsius so anything above 40 the enzymes denature, but you might have to take into account what fruit it is / where it came from - if its a tropical fruit it might have a higher optimum temperature because of the climate it came from- that's just an idea

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Who invented enzymes?

The process of making enzymes was very difficult in the 60s. That was why some scientists struggled and could not figure it out. However one scientist called ALASM left his food for a day and came down finding unusual substances

How did Ernst Walter Mayr contributed to the current theory of evolution?

He was a systemist who contributed to the neodarwinian synthesis. He was the man who came up with the biological species concept.

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No. The age of exploration came centuries after Leif died.

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Where does enzymes came from?

They generally come from living organisms, hence their classification as 'organic catalysts'. For example, many enzymes are secreted by the pancreas in humans, and most organisms; animal, plant, bacteria, fungis or others, have lysosomes within their body cells (small membrane bound packages that 'eat' and 'digest' wastes) which contain numerous enzymes to break down wastes and toxins quickly.

What name the 3 stages in interphase?

Centrioles, nuclear envelope, and chromatin. These answers came from a Biology book, no lie.

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