In Pokemon Sapphire, you can find Venonat in the Safari Zone. It can be found in the Grass patch area of the Safari Zone during specific times. It has a 5% encounter rate.
No. Sapphire is corundum, which is aluminum oxide.
No. Sapphire is a precious stone.
No, sapphire is not magnetic. Sapphire is a type of corundum mineral composed of aluminum oxide, which does not possess magnetic properties.
The largest cut brown sapphire in the world is the Ophir Brown Sapphire. The Ophir Brown Sapphire weighs 5,905 carats and has been recognized by GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ as the largest cut brown sapphire in the world. The Ophir Brown Sapphire is owned by Ophir Collection, LLC.
The September Birthstone is a blue sapphire gem. September Flower: Aster Birthstone: Sapphire or Lapis LazuliSep 1 - 21 Virgo / Brown Bear Stone- Agate, Amethyst, Aventurine, Carnelian, Opal, Peridot, Pyrite.Sep 22 - 30 Libra Crow/Raven Stone - Chrysoprase, Emerald, Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Opal, Sapphire. The birthstone for September is sapphire. The sapphire was said to represent the purity of the soul. Traditional Birthstone: Sapphire, PeridotModern Birthstone: SapphireMystical Birthstone: AgateAyurvedic Birthstone: Moonstone
Butterfree, Venonat, Yanma, Nincada
venonat can only be caught in safari zone
Venonat is found in the safari zone in Area 3 and Area 1.
Venonat evolves into Venomoth, starting at level 31.
you can find venonat in safari island which is where you get the hm surf
Venonat are easiest caught in FireRed/LeafGreen in some places around Fuschia City.
um probaly 20% for me it is unusaul to find a venonat
You cannot catch Venonat. You must catch a Venomoth in the Dreamyard and then breed it.
No, venonat cannot learn the HM move cut
Venonat is #48 in the national pokedex, and it is a Bug-Poison type Pokemon.
safari zone
Venonat are extremely rare on Route 229.The easiest way is to breed it isent you breed a venamoth then you get a venonat but it is extrmly rare to find on route 229 hope this helps :)