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Burning is a chemical reaction; sugar is transformed in carbon dioxide and water.

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Related questions

Why is burning of sugar a chemical change?

Yes, the burning of sugar is a chemical change, as it produces substances with different chemical properties than the reactants.

Burning a sugar cube physical or chemical?


What is sugar's chemical reaction?

The chemical formula (not reaction) of sucrose is C12H22O11.

What are some common reaction?

Metals rusting, wood or fuel burning, yeast fermenting sugar, and cellular respiration are common chemical reactions.

How is burning sugar different from other chemical changes?

Why is it different? No, it isn't. Burning sugar is a combustion process.

Is burning sugar a chemical or physical property?

Burning sugar is not a property.Burning sugar is a chemical change.The ability to burn, flammability, is a chemical property.

Is making sugar into caramel a physical or chemical?

a chemical reaction

Is sugar burning in a pan a chemical change?

It is physical

What is sugar dissolving and example of?

a chemical reaction

Sugar crystals are separated from a sugar syrup by evaporation of water is a chemical reaction or physical reaction?

a physical reacton

Is dissolving sugar in water a chemical property?

No dissolving of sugar is not a chemical property because no reaction takes place.

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