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Q: Should your menstrual Blood clots have white on it?
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What does it mean when you have unusually bright red menstrual blood with big clots in it and it came 4 days late?

Probably nothing, but could be a sign of infection. If the blood clots have a white center, you may have miscarried. If you miscarried though it would be very painful and you'd fill more then 2 super maxi pads in 2 hours. My period has blood clots all the time and I am healthy- my gyn said that's normal.

What type of blood helps plug up your cuts?

Red blood cells form the clots, while white blood cells seal it from below.

What are Blood molecules?

Plasma, water, cells (white and red) and platlets (contain fibronogen and hemoglobin to help stop clots)

Can elevated white blood cell count delay menstrual cycle?

Yes. The higher white blood cell count means your body is fighting an infection which can cause a delay.

Can blood clots be white in reference to wisdom tooth extraction socket?

Yes, clots can be white in color. After a tooth is extracted, the tooth socket fills with blood and a clot forms. Just like any wound heals with a "scab" if you will. A blood clot has several components (ingredients) in it. The red blood cells tend to wash away in the mouth, with post-extraction care like rinsing. What remains is the fibrin part of the clot, which appears "white" in the mouth.

Why do you i have excessive white blood before your menstruation?

There's no such thing as 'white blood', all blood is red. It may be that you're talking about discharge, you get more before menstruation due to changes in your hormones throughout your menstrual cycle.

How does blood help you get better when you are ill?

The white blood cells in your blood fight diseases, the red blood cells give you more oxygen if you are oxygen deprived, and the platelets form blood clots to keep you from losing to much blood when you get cut or bruised.

Why is knowledge of ones blood group essential during blood transfusion?

If you give someone the wrong blood type then the body rejects it and the white blood cells will "think" its a cell that will harm so they will attack and cause clots to appear in the blood stream.

List the four components of human blood?

Plasma- carries nutrients and blood cells red blood cells- oxygen rich blood in arteries going to tissue and organs white blood cells - plays role in the immune system platelet's- essential to form clots

What is white blood disease called today?

White blood disease is an old name for leukemia. There are many more white blood cells than there should be.

What are vaginal blood clots? SAYS: Vaginal Blood Clots Vaginal blood clots are blood clots that are expelled from the female vagina. A blood clot is a semisolid, gelatinous mass, the end result of the clotting process in blood. It ordinarily consists of red cells, white cells, and platelets enmeshed in an insoluble fibrin network. SOURCE: Mosby’s Medical Dictionary, 3rd edition (1990), pg. 155, “Blood clot.” Blood clotting is the conversion of blood from a free-flowing liquid to a semisolid gel. Although it can occur within the intact blood vessel, the process usually starts with tissue damage and exposure of the blood to air. Within seconds of injury to the vessel wall, platelets clump at the site. If normal amounts of calcium, platelets, and tissue factors are present, prothrombin will be converted to thrombin. Thrombin then acts as a catalyst for the conversion of fibrinogen to a mesh of insoluble fibrin, in which all the formed elements are immobilized. SOURCE: Mosby’s supra, pg. 155, “Blood clotting.” Basically, the blood clots released or expelled via the vaginal channel are clumps of tissue, uterine tissue, to be exact. They are commonly discharged during the menstrual cycle because the menstrual cycle is a monthly process of eliminating bodily toxins and waste via the menses and this let’s us know that the blood clots being expelled are nothing but old clumps of gelatinous uterine tissue from the shedding of the endometrium lining of the uterus mixed with coagulated or congealed blood. A few women have reported to me clots the size of silver dollars being expelled from their vaginas and always a little before their menses begins or during the menses. These women reported to me that as many as three to six clots were discharged at one time. That’s a lot of blood clots! These clots are rubbery, very thick. They were lodged for months and years in the vaginal cavity. The Body Intelligence knows when there are too many clots in the body and there is a need for elimination. The menstrual cycle is the process of female reproductive elimination and whatever needs to be released from the female reproductive chamber will usually be released during the menstrual cycle. Women who suffer from vaginal blood clotting are women whose eliminative channels are usually blocked or impaired, mainly the colon. I have personally noticed as well that these women are very busy and active women, corporate and career women. Corporate and career females usually have the most damaged uteruses. Most use tampons during that time of the month instead of pads. Tampons are unhealthy because they plug up the vagina which has a natural downward spiral energy which supports elimination. Tampons plug up the vagina. They push things that may be ready for elimination back up into the uterus and cervix area. Because that downward and spiral eliminative energy is blocked, clots that may have otherwise been expelled or eliminated remain in the vaginal cavity due to that energy blockage. Blocked vaginal energy will stop physical vaginal activity like the releasing of vaginal blood clots. But when there are just too many clots in the female reproductive chamber, the Body Intelligence intervenes on the part of the woman in a humble gesture to save her life and gets the stagnant energy moving or flowing again. If the blood clots remained in the woman’s or female’s body for long periods of time without ever being discharged, the woman could have developed a female reproductive area-specific cancer, i.e. vaginal cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, etc., as cancer is nothing but waste. When the vagina holds on to something, especially that which is no good (like old blood clots), it is usually a case of “as above so below” and pertains to the “holding on” of negative emotions or situations usually pent up in the woman’s body (emotional body and cells of the physical body). This “holding on” energy within the emotional body produces a “holding on” energy in the physical body (vagina, womb area). When a woman starts clotting, no matter how old, large, or thick the blood clots may be, she should jump for joy and rejoice. Better the clots outside of the body and in the toilet than in her body! Excessive releasing of blood clots will also mean the woman is anemic. Excessive releasing of vital blood will always result in anemia unless the woman is smart enough to consume necessary daily amounts of iron phosphate (organic iron) via natural sources such as Burdock Root, Dandelion Root, Nettle Leaf, Red Raspberry Leaf and Yellow Dock Root. Emotionally, clots mean you need to let go of things or emotions that no longer serve you. These hardened, rubbery vaginal blood clots are the physical manifestations of “hardened” and “toxic” emotions, usually from the past (past hurts, past resentments, past pains, past anger, past frustration, past bitterness, etc.). Releasing of blood clots means a woman needs to also release her stored “clots” of old, negative, hardened and toxic emotions and feelings she harbors within the uterus of her emotional body. A clot is basically a lump, a lump of stored, old tissue. When a woman stores negative and toxic emotions, these emotions lump up and form an energetic clot. To facilitate the elimination of blood clots, a woman should immediately detoxify her body (Full Body Detox and Total Woman Cleanse). Our Moon Cycle, Yoni, and Blood and Lymphatic formulas will also facilitate the elimination of blood clots. While I don’t endorse douching, douching with herbal teas for purposes of facilitating the dissolving and releasing of blood clots can be done with herbs such as White Oak Bark, Alum Root (Cransebill), Goldenseal, Dragon’s Blood, Shepherd’s Purse, and Lady’s Mantle. Sexual intercourse while clotting should be avoided as all activity that pushes things up and back into the uterus area should be avoided. Believe it or not, vaginal blood clotting is a form of healing and releasing. Get in sync with your lower (physical) releasing of old matter and start releasing on your higher level (emotional, mental, and spiritual) of old matter (negative emotions and thoughts). Clotting simply means you have not been taking care of yourself as a woman, at least on the inside. Just remember that it’s never too late to start taking care of yourself as a woman, inside or outside. Dherbs.Com formulas that can help with vaginal blood clotting include Full Body Detox (3-week regimen), Total Woman Cleanse (3-week regimen), Yoni Formula, Moon Cycle Formula, Fibroid Buster Formula and Blood and Lymphatic Formula.

What are the main cells in the body?

Red Blood Cells- make the blood red; and carry the oxygen White Blood Cells- fight infections Platelets- form clots to stop the flow of blood Plasma- a yellowish liquid that carries the nutrients