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The cell is the basic unit of structure and function in a living thing.

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12y ago

Cell ,is basic unit of structure and function in a living organism .

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What basic unit of structure and function of a living thing?


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Cells are the basic unit structure and function of all living thing's+

Basic units of structure and function in a living thing?

Cell is basic unit of life .

A what is the basic unit of structure and function in a living thing?

its nice to be important but is more important to be nice

What's the basic structure if a living thing?

A cell is basic structure of living things .

Why do you call cell living things?

Every cell is a living thing. The cell is the basic unit of structure and function of all living things.

Is the structure related to the function?

no, structure is the shape of anything if it is living or nonliving thing and function is the job of it.................??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is the unit of structures for living thing?

A cell is the basic unit of structure for living things

What is the basic unit of structure in any living thing?


How do cells form the basic unit of structure and function?

Cells are the basic unit of structure and function. Every living thing is made up of one or more cells, from the many-celled humans and animals, to the single-celled bacteria. Cells are the reason all living things have a form (structure) and can move, eat, breathe, metabolise, and reproduce (function). Every function living things carry out either occurs by cells, through cells, or within cells.

The smallest unit of structure and function a living thing?

The Cell ....

Which should be the most basic feature in determining whether a thing is a living or not genetic or cellular structure?

The most basic feature is cellular structure.