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In the modern form of Periodic Table, all elements are arranged in increasing order of their atomic numbers. The periodic properties of elements are functions of their atomic weights.

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Q: The elements in the periodic table goes accoring to?
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Which direction do periods go on the periodic table?

In the periodic table of the elements, a period is a horizontal row of the table. Elements in the same period have the same number of energy levels.

Column on a periodic table?

In the periodic table a column is the elements that go down the way.for exampleLiNaKRbCsFrThis is a column and called the Alkali metals. Group 1.A period is when it goes across.

State the periodic law on which Mendeleev's Periodic table was based and why and how this periodic law changed?

mendaleev went by atomic #, where as the modern table goes bt atomic mass. answer it?

What goes across the periodic table?

The periodic tablecloth

How many elements are there in the periodic table?

There are 91 natural elements. These can be found naturally everywhere in the world. However, new elements have been artificially made in a laboratorium. So far, 27 elements have been made by humans, leaving a total of 118 elements on the periodic table. However, these synthetic elements can't be considered real elements, since they disappear almost as fast as they were made. For instance, ununoctium's (element number 118) most stable isotope has a half-life of 0.00089 seconds. But in the Extended version of the periodic table it goes all the way up to element 173 but no research has been found yet.....EXTENDED PERIODIC TABLE:11H2He23Li4Be5B6C7N8O9F10Ne311Na12Mg13Al14Si15P16S17Cl18Ar419K20Ca21Sc22Ti23V24Cr25Mn26Fe27Co28Ni29Cu30Zn31Ga32Ge33As34Se35Br36Kr537Rb38Sr39Y40Zr41Nb42Mo43Tc44Ru45Rh46Pd47Ag48Cd49In50Sn51Sb52Te53I54Xe655Cs56Ba57La58Ce59Pr60Nd61Pm62Sm63Eu64Gd65Tb66Dy67Ho68Er69Tm70Yb71Lu72Hf73Ta74W75Re76Os77Ir78Pt79Au80Hg81Tl82Pb83Bi84Po85At86Rn787Fr88Ra89Ac90Th91Pa92U93Np94Pu95Am96Cm97Bk98Cf99Es100Fm101Md102No103Lr104Rf105Db106Sg107Bh108Hs109Mt110Ds111Rg112Cn113Uut114Uuq115Uup116Uuh117Uus118Uuo8119Uue120Ubn121Ubu122Ubb123Ubt124Ubq125Ubp126Ubh127Ubs128Ubo129Ube130Utn131Utu132Utb133Utt134Utq135Utp136Uth137Uts138Uto139Ute140Uqn141Uqu142Uqb143Uqt144Uqq145Uqp146Uqh147Uqs148Uqo149Uqe150Upn151Upu152Upb153Upt154Upq155Upp156Uph157Ups158Upo159Upe160Uhn161Uhu162Uhb163Uht164Uhq165Uhp166Uhh167Uhs168Uho9169Uhe170Usn171Usu172Usb173Ust170Usn171Usu172Usb173UstActually, there are 117 elements on the periodic table. But, they couldn't make element number 117 so it's 1-116 and then 118.There are 118 elements in the periodic table (March 2013).

Why are elements in the same column in the periodic table?

Because the Periodic table of the Elements read from left to right goes in order of the amount of protons in each element.

What is the main difference between groups and periods in a periodic table?

one goes sideways and one goes up and down. its just a way to locate the elements easier

Do elements Ba and Ca belong to the same group on the periodic table?

Yes they do. The group goes Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra

How do the elements of the whole periodic table relate to the lifecycle of a star?

A star is made up of Hydrogen and Helium, (the Helium coming from the fusion of Hydrogen atoms). When a star goes super nova, it is so hot that it fuses together gases so rapidly that it creates all of the elements on the periodic table.

What animals names can be spelled with the periodic table of elements?


Is the periodic table arranged?

The Periodic Table of elements has gone through several arrangments, but the current (and correct) arrangement goes from lowest to highest atomic number (number of protons). i.e. Hydrogen has 1 proton, Helium has 2 protons, etc.

What is a group on the periodic table?

it goes up and down