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transcription factor

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Q: What is activated by a signal transduction pathway moved from the cytoplasm to the nucleus of a cell?
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What is the role of cAMP in the signal transduction pathway activated by epinephrine?

It binds to and activates protein kinase A, which then phosphorylates other enzymes.

What is a signal transduction pathway?

A signal transduction pathway is a group of proteins that carry out transducing signals (which means it converts signals from outside the cell to a different signal inside the cell). A good example can be viewed when a hormone binds to the receptor in the plasma membrane (outside the cell), the receptor which has now been activated can now interact with intercellular proteins which produce new signals inside the cell.

Two advantages of using a multi step pathway in transduction?

signal amplification

What is a series of large flattened membranes that are a pathway through cytoplasm?

is a series of large flattened membranes that are a pathway through the cytoplasm

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What does a protein phosphatase actually do to end a signal transduction?

Protein phosphates turn off signal transduction pathways by removing the phosphate groups from the protein kinase, making them reusable and making the kinase inscribe stopping the signal transduction pathway.

Describe the basic signal-transduction pathway used for mating in yeast?

In the yeast signal transduction pathway, after both types of mating cells have released the mating factors and the factors have bound to specific receptors on the correct cells binding induces changes in the cells that lead to cell fusion.

Cell structure that produces ATP energy molecules?

Some ATP is produced by the glycolytic pathway which is located in the cytoplasm. Most is synthesized by the protein ATP synthase, which is found in the mitochondrion.

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What is insulin's target pathway?

cytoplasm to ER to outside the cell

The signal transduction pathway in animal cells that use epinephrine?

activates the breakdown of glycogen in liver and skeletal muscle cells.