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Lachman Test

Aaron D. House

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Q: What is test used to diagnosis anterior movement of tibia in relation to femur?
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Which bone is found anterior to the distal end of the femur and proximal end of the tibia?

The patella is anterior to the joint between the femur and tibia. The patella is also known as the kneecap.

Is the rectus femoris the shoulder muscle?

No, it is on the anterior femur. AKA, top of thigh.

What is fracture of neck of femur?

external rotation and shortening of the affected leg, pain on any movement, tenderness on palpation of anterior and lateral aspects of the affectedt hip, the greater trochanter is elevated on the affected side, inability to mobilise.

Where does the piriformis muscle originate an insert?

The piriformis originates at the anterior sacrum and inserts at the greater trochanter of the femur.

Where does the end of the thigh bone join with the kneecap?

The distal end of the femur joins with the patella.

If a bone is in the posterior view is it a left or right bone?

It's the same bone viewed from the back. Anterior is the front view of the right femur and posterior is the back view of the right femur.

What bone is distal to the femur?

Yes, the patella is distal to the femur. This is because the patella is more distant than the femur to the attachment point to the trunk of the body. You can also say the femur is proximal to the patella.

What is the purpose of the femur muscle?

The purpose of your femur muscle is to make or have movement in your legs. Like: running walking, jumping, etc.

What ligaments stops anterior dislocation?

Your answer depends on what particular joint you are asking about. I assume you are asking about the knee in which the posterior cruciate ligament prevents the femur from slipping forward (anterior) in the joint with the fibia and tibia.

What is the interventricular sulcus?

According to some, it is another name for the patellar surface of the anterior distal femur.

What is significant about the length of the femur in relation to other bones of the body?

It is the longest bone in the body.

What Convex and concave rule of the joint?

When a concave surface is moving the roll and the glide occur in the same direction and that when a convex surface is moving the roll and glide are opposite. Here's an example: If the tibia moves on the femur since it is a concave surface it is said the glide is anterior only; however, is the motion is closed chain and the femur is moving on a stationary tibia then the femur which is a convex surface glides posterior and rolls anterior on the tibia's plateau. hope this helps!