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It involves the medial cuneiform and 1st metatarsal of the ankle.

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tibialis anterior is a extensor and and tibialis posterior is a flexor of the foot.

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14y ago

dorsiflexion and inverter of the foot.

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Q: What action do tibialis anterior and posterior act as synergists?
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Describe the path of an action potential through the conduction system?

Generally, cardiac excitation begins in the sinoatrial (SA) node. An action potential spontaneously arises in the SA node and then conducts throughout both atria via gap junctions in the intercalated discs of atrial fibers. Following the action potential, the two atria finish contracting at the same time. The action potential also reaches the atrioventricular (AV) node, located in the interatrial septum, just anterior to the opening of the coronary sinus, where the action potential slows whereby providing time for the atria to empty their blood into the ventricles. Then the action potential enters the atrioventricular (AV) bundle because it is the only site where action potentials can conduct from the atria to the ventricles. After conducting along the AV bundle, the action potential then enters both the right and left bundle branches that course through the interventricular septum toward the apex of the heart. Large-diameter Purkinje fibers rapidly conduct the action potential, first to the apex of the ventricles and then upward to the remainder of the ventricular myocardium. Then, a fraction of a second after the atria contract, the ventricles contact.

Where is the sternocleidmastoid located?

The sternocleidomastoid has three attachment points which incidentally is contained within its name. The three attachment points are, the sternum, the medial head of the clavicle (collarbone), and the mastoid process of the skull located just behind and below your ear. So essentially, the sternocleidomastoid runs from below and behind your ear to your breastbone.

What is the location of the frontal lobe of the brain?

The frontal lobe is an area in the brain of humans and other mammals, located at the front of each cerebral hemisphere and positioned anterior to (in front of) the parietal lobe and superior and anterior to the temporal lobes. It is separated from the parietal lobe by a space between tissues called the central sulcus, and from the temporal lobe by a deep fold called the lateral (Sylvian) sulcus. The post-central gyrus, forming the posterior border of the frontal lobe, contains the primary motor cortex, which controls voluntary movements of specific body parts.

The action potential is generated when a stimulus?

When a stimulus stimulates a neuron above the threshold, the action potential is generated.

Do axons carry action potentials away from the cell body?

The areas that have had the action potential are refractory to a new action potential.

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What muscle has the action of extending the toes?

Type your answer here... tibialis anterior

Inverts and dorsiflexes the foot?

Peroneus tertius Action's : dorsiflexes and everts foot Extensor Digitorium Longus's Action: prime mover of toe extension; dorsiflexes foot

What is the muscle group that works with and assist the action of a prime mover?

The synergists.

What muscles cause horizontal adduction in the shoulder?

The major muscles involved in horizontal adduction or flexion is the anterior deltoid fibres, pectoralis major and minor. Bicep complex(bbicep brachii, brachioradialis and forearm flexor) comes into action as synergists, if the leverage is long.The antagonists of horizontal flexion is posterior deltoid fibres,teres major, minor, lats and the associated rotator cuff muscle(infraspinatus)

A muscle that causes a desired action and is often made more efficient with the assistance of synergists?


What is a muscle that causes a desired action and is often made more efficient with the assistance of synergists?

The answer is AGONIST.

What is the prime mover action that the tibialis provides?

It stabilizes the ankle as the foot hits the ground during the contact phase of walking.

What is the action of the serratus anterior?

Abducts scapula (moves scapula away from spinal column)

Is the bicep an antogonist or agonist?

the antagonsit is the tricep but im not sure what the synergist is sorry : revised : the synergist in a biceps curl would be the posterior deltoid as it flexes to stabilize the shoulder, as the secondary role of the biceps brachii in a biceps curl is to pull the elbow forward and upward in an arc towards the shoulder. if you were looking at the synergists to the biceps brachii as an agonist in its usual role, then the brachioradialis would be the synergist.

What is the action of the serratus anterior muscle?

Abducts scapula (moves scapula away from spinal column)

Do butterfly's have heart's?

Butterflies like all insects have a heart.

What is the antagonist of the anterior deltoid muscle?

The antagonist of teres minor is: To medial rotation: latissimus dorsi, long head of triceps, pectoralis major, subscapularis. In Extension of humerus: latissimus dorsi, posterior deltoid and long head of triceps