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One can find information on sciatic nerve treatment from various medical books. These books can be found at local public libraries, school libraries, and books stores. If one believes that they are having sciatic nerve pain, then one should visit a doctor to receive treatment.

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Q: Where can one find information on sciatic nerve treatment?
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Where can I find natural sciatic nerve treatment options?

You can look into the acupuncture treatment which is very good for sciatic nerves. You can also visit a doctor to find out other treatments that you can use for the pain.

How do you palpate the sciatic nerve?

The best place to palpate the sciatic nerve is deep in the buttock. It exists the pelvic area just under the piriformis. If you place your foot on a chair and find the ischial tuberosity (the butt bone - the ones we sit on) and move laterally, you will be on or near the sciatic nerve.

Where can I find relief for sciatic nerve pain?

You can find relief for sciatic nerve pain with surgery. There are some medicines that may work for you. The majority of relief is due to surgery. Your doctor will determine which is best for you.

Can I see a diagram of the path of the sciatic nerve?

(Sciatica is a condition involving pain, weakness, numbness, or tingling in the leg. It is caused by an injury to or compression of the sciatic nerve which branches down your back.The sciatic nerve is commonly injured by fractures of the pelvis, gunshot wounds, or other trauma to the buttocks or thigh. Prolonged sitting or lying with pressure on the buttocks may also injure it. )The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in your body; it runs from your lower back, through your buttock, down your leg.The tibial and fibular nerves originate from spinal segments L4-S3. The two nerves come together and are referred to jointly as the sciatic (meaning hip) nerve. The sciatic nerve is the largest peripheral nerve in the body.They separate at the back of the knee. The tibial nerve supplies the posterior compartment of the leg and the fibular supplies the anterior and lateral compartments.The sciatic nerve are nerve roots coming out of the spinal cord and into the lower back.

Are there any stretches that will help my sciatic nerve pain?

Traditional exercises and home treatments don't work because they fail to fix the physical problem and only provide temporary relief. Sciatica is just a symptom of something affecting your sciatic nerve to cause the pain and discomfort. A chiropractor can help get to the root of the problem and help align your body correctly to prevent the pain from reoccurring.

Where can you find information about treatment for Candida?

One can find information about treatment for Candida on the Web MD website where they have details on the symptoms and treatment. Information can also be found on Wikipedia.

Where can I find information on sciatic nerve treatment online?

I would suggest starting with WebMD or Mayo clinic. Both are good health sites that have excellent information. I don't think there are too many options in terms of treatment. Possibly only pain killers or an occasional steroid injection. I'm sorry if you are suffering from this condition as I do occasionally, and my friend does quite frequently. Try to look for natural ways to manage your condition too, such as specific stretches or staying away from certain activities, or possibly check about the anti-inflammatory properties of ginger and an appropriate amount to take daily.

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Someone could find information for treatments for facial laser treatment on the internet website for laser treatment centers, or visiting the actual laser treatment centers to talk to their specialists there and get information on the treatment in person.

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You can find information on industrial water treatment from your local water utility. You can call them directly or go to their website to find out their policy on industrial water treatment.

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Someone looking to find information on alcoholic treatment centers might ask advice from a doctor or therapist. One may also find information on websites about treatment centers and their available programs.

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There are a lot of places in order for one to find out information about the treatment of a sinus infection. One might be able to find out on the website WebMD.